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Four nude women standing back to the camera at a brick wall.
— Inter (@Inter) 24 giugno 2019
Un nome che parla a tutti i Fratelli del Mondo.
Un nome fiero, che non teme ostacoli né incertezze.
Un nome distintivo, unico, indelebile. Qui e ovunque. #NotForEveryone Stay tuned ⭐️⚫️🔵
Carved into the hills above the Hollywood Reservoir's walking paths but below a turnout of sightseeing vans, this grassy field feels like a dog-friendly Shangri-La. You don't have to have four legs to enjoy the scenery, thanks to a small playground, shaded picnic benches and one of the most fantastic views of the Hollywood Sign. Unlike the touristy turnout just up the road, this park stays quiet throughout the day—other than the sound of dogs barking. The verdant retreat is the perfect place to mingle with hills-dwelling pooches, just make sure your dog is leashed (otherwise the park rangers will make sure for you).

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