Ronda Rousey, fitness is her life’s work. Staying in shape is a must for this former UFC fighter and current WWE wrestler. But have you ever wondered how much training goes into a body like Rousey’s? We have too. Luckily, we can provide some answers in this week’s episode of
Off Season. We all know that Rousey is extremely fit, and it’s no surprise that it takes serious dedication to become that strong and
healthy, especially when training for a big fight. While in the UFC, Rousey went to a two-month training camp to get in shape before a bout. There, everything from her workouts and her diet to her sleep regimen was extremely controlled. As for her workouts, Rousey practices judo, spars with a partner, and swims laps. When training for fights, she works out three to six times in a single day (and we complain about having to go to the gym once!). Sometimes her workout sessions
last up to four hours. And if you want to try to train like Rousey, expect to burn more than 800 calories an hour of judo alone. While the athlete trains six days a week, she leaves Sundays for self-care. She makes sure to take time for ice baths, physical therapy, seeing a chiropractor, and focusing on her
mental health. A lot of pressure goes into big fights — even for a two-time Olympian! Rousey is also highly committed to her new WWE role. According to
Shape, she takes her diet very seriously and has even gotten blood and hair tests to find out which foods are best for her body. As for cheat meals, that’s a no-go. When she’s got her game face on, don’t expect to see the wrestler eating anything other than organic, healthy foods. And it looks like whatever she’s doing is seriously working for her. Keep it up, girl!
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